Participation in projects

Gorgan Behran Project

Islamic Azad University of Ghaemshahr

Ghaemshahr, Gulogah and Bandar-e-Gaz Mehr house

Representative office of the Association of Engineers

Northeast Investment Company

Babol Technical College

Sarkhrood Recreational Villa Complex

Babol Hospital Clinic

Sarkhrood Diarrhea Complex

Faraz Firoozkooh Cement Factory

Kiasar Cement Factory

Renovation of schools in Mazandaran province


Concessionaire: Mr Khadem

To get the contact information of the agents, refer to WhatsApp online support.

Concessionaire: Mr Arman Alijani

To get the contact information of the agents, refer to WhatsApp online support.

Concessionaire: Mr Azizi

To get the contact information of the agents, refer to WhatsApp online support.

Concessionaire: Mr Rahmati

To get the contact information of the agents, refer to WhatsApp online support.

Concessionaire: Mr Zare

To get the contact information of the agents, refer to WhatsApp online support.